Susanne de Jesus Oliveira

I am:

Creative, multilingual, open minded, networker, digital immigrant, fast thinking, structured, global, organized, technical and target oriented.


I am never:

Standing still


My Background:

*Systemic Coach (Sieger Consulting)

*Communication and Change Manager
*Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering
*30 years experience as a Trainer and Facilitator
*20 years experience as an Auditor and Cosultant

*Scrum Master (
*Country experience in Europe, America, Asia and Africa
*Languages: German, English and Spanish fluent 

Julia Renner

Sport has been with me all my life. I have taught children's gymnastics for several years and have been playing handball for over 20 years. I am also involved in various fitness programs. Especially through sport, team spirit is very important to me. The certification for the execution of "Experience Educational Programs" enabled me to work with children and young people in the field of teambuilding.

As a Master student of the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and digital nativ I deal a lot with virtual media, like social networks and other new media. In recent years I have gained a lot of experience in marketing, communication and event management through various projects. My certification as Scrum Master also helps me in the area of IT and communication projects.